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Applications closing for Business Events Boost Program

Australian industry encouraged to apply to new $1.5 million assistance program

Applications to Tourism Australia’s Business Events Boost Program is closing on 30 September 2020 and industry are being encouraged to apply for funding.

The $1.5 million program announced in June seeks to help the domestic business events sector get back on its feet in the wake of the COVID-19 crisis and drive new business to regions around Australia.

The program provides convention bureaux, convention centres, professional conference organisers, event managers and the wider business events industry with the opportunity to leverage Tourism Australia’s expertise and help win new domestic business.

“We encourage the industry to get their applications in ahead of the closing date on 30 September,” says Penny Lion, Executive General Manager Events at Tourism Australia.

“The program is an opportunity to access funding for innovative marketing and distribution initiatives like the ones we have already achieved in partnership with industry – such as the Melbourne Virtual Site Visit delivered alongside Melbourne Convention Bureau through our internationally focused Advance Program,” added Lion.

The Melbourne Virtual Site Visit involved the use of innovative technology to deliver an immersive 360 first-person experience for international associations and professional conference organisers to plan future conferences in Melbourne—at any time on any device.

Lion says she encourages a range of ambitious and innovative ideas to inspire future event activity and help rebuild domestic business events. Applications could include, but are not limited to, marketing assets, content and collateral including video, virtual reality initiatives and podcasts, digital marketing including social media, communication activity including direct mail and microsites, PR activity, and media buy or bespoke marketing campaigns.

The program forms part of a broader recovery strategy being delivered by Business Events Australia to support Australian industry through this time and to ensure Australia continues to be recognised as a quality business event destination.

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